
Etude House Pink Bird // Pink Box Review

Hey guys! I’m so excited to finally share with you the Pink Box I received from Etude House two weeks ago! I was so happy when I found out they were sending me a Pink Box! I had seen other people do Pink Box reviews online so I was so geeked when it arrived!

First of all, the fact that it comes in a pink mailer AND a pink box is just so cute to me! I love it!

It says on the box

“Dear Girls,

Roses are pink, violets are blue, Sugar is sweet, So is Etute. Welcome to the Play House”

How cute is that

So I opened the box and the first thing I saw was a flyer with a description of the main product. The main product in this Pink Box is the Color Lips-Fit Lipstick. It is a new product for their Spring 2014 line.

They show you how you can wear the product. You can have a gradient lip. (Color in the middle of your lips, while the outer parts are faded and don’t have much color on them) This is very popular look in Korea right now. You can also apply full color on your lips entirely. I read that one or two coats is fine. One for a more subtle look and two for a bolder look.

As I looked past the flyer I saw that there were four items in the box. There were two Color Lips-Fit Lipsticks, One Moistfull Super Collagen Trial Kit and a lovely Glittery Makeup Pouch.

So onto the review shall we?

The first product is Color Lips-Fit “Fantasy Fit Pink (PK003)”

I love this color. It’s the perfect amount of pink. It’s not too bright and not too dark. I’ve been wearing this one a lot more just because I really like the color. I usually put on a subtle layer of it. One full coat is ok but I think two coats is too much but that’s just me.

The second product is Color Lips-Fit “See Through Fit Beige (BE101)”

This is an orange and/or beige color. It is more so beige or a subtle light orange when you apply it on lightly. If you apply a full coat on it has a more orange look. Again one coat is just fine for me.

Both of these lipsticks start off as a liquid and dry as a matte. I love matte lipstick. I know a lot of people love them too, but the key to wearing a matte lipstick right is to exfoliate and moisturize your lips before hand. I usually make my own lip scrub using coconut oil and sugar. (If you can get larger grained sugar that’s better) I scrub my lips with it. If you happen to swallow some don’t worry, it’s not bad for you. It tastes good actually. Reminds me of coconut rice…Sorry I’m getting beside myself.

After exfoliating apply a nice moisturizing lip balm. Sometimes I use RoseBud Strawberry Lip Balm. It’s $7.00 at Sephora. Sometimes I use Burt Bees. You can get that just about anywhere, Target, Walgreens, etc. It’s about $3.00-$4.00 Sometimes I also use my own lip balm that I made. Whatever you use make sure it’s moisturizing. So no lip glosses. Those aren’t going to help you here. I would wait 10 minutes or so before you apply the Color-Lips Fit Lipstick. And you should be set after that. Gorgeous looking lips! 

The other great products that came in the Pink Box were the Moistfull Super Collagen Trial Kit. This includes the Moistfull Super Collagen Ampoule Essence, Cream and CC Cream.

This is one of Etude House’s most popular lines. Etute House has said that the Moistfull Super Collagen is one of the most popular items in Korea and one is sold every 10 seconds! That’s crazy right?! I understand why though. These products are simply amazing and I love them. 

This third product is the Moistfull Super Collagen Ampoule Essence. If you’re wondering what essence is I could go on and on about it. I’ll give you the short version but if you want to know more about it in depth Charlotte from Soko Glam explains it perfectly here. She’s the reason why I found out about it.

Essence is used to repair your skin, to bring the elasticity back into your skin to make you look more youthful. It can minimize fine lines, wrinkles and brow lines over time. You want to use this product after you wash your face and apply toner. In Korea most women recommend tapping essence into your skin rather than rubbing it in. If you gently tap the product on your face it can be absorbed into your skin better. This essence from Etude House is great. I bought some about a month ago and I added it to my daily facial regiment and I love it. My skin has a nice glow to it now because of this product.

The fourth product is the Moistfull Super Collagen Cream. This is the product that sold every 10 seconds in Korea! Crazy! O_o This has more a of gel like consistency but it moisturizes very well. You want to use this product after you have washed your face, applied toner, applied essence and after you’ve applied eye creams or serums. Again tapping the product into your skin as opposed to rubbing it in will allow the product to penetrate into your skin better. This product is amazing. I’ve been using it to complement the Moistfull Super Collagen Essence and I can see the difference in my skin. It glows!

The fifth product and last product of the Collagen line is the Moistfull Super Collagen CC Cream. I love BB & CC creams and they have kind of replaced my foundation. I’ve been having a more natural look these days when it comes to my makeup. So when I saw this CC cream I got super excited. BB & CC creams are meant to even out your skin tone and to correct the color of your skin (Ex: if you have redness in your skin this can help) 


This CC cream is very smooth when applied to the skin. It leaves your skin feeling soft and it smells really good. It’s not too powdery and not too oily. It’s almost perfect. Trust me, I have tried out a LOT of BB & CC Creams (See my Sephora Samples Post Here) and they are not all one and the same! I’ve used some BB Creams that were extremely grainy (EWW!) and some that were so runny and oily that they left me looking like I had been standing outside during a hot summer day.  The only problem with this CC Cream is that it is too light for my skin tone. It’s bad for me but might be great for you. If you have a lighter skin tone this CC Cream might be perfect for you! 

The sixth and last item in the Pink Box was an adorable Pink Jewelry Bag. I thought it was a makeup bag at first but when I looked at the plastic bag it came in I saw that it was actually a makeup bag. It has a place to put all your earrings in. I honestly have never seen anything like this, at least not in America. If you have please tell me, cuz I thought this was so cute and clever! There’s a pouch to put other items of jewelry, rings necklaces maybe. Regardless, it is so cute and I love it. I’m going out of town this weekend so I’ll definitely be using it!

So overall the products are really great! I highly recommend them to you all. You’ve got cute makeup and wonderful facial products. The great thing about Etude House and most Korean beauty products is that they are reasonably priced. Some of them might be cheaper than the products you’d get in specialty or department stores and the quality is just as good if not better.

If you don’t know about Korean Beauty Products already you should definitely check them out. If you do already know about Korean Beauty Products and you’re like me, always excited to try new products, you should definitely try these out.

You can look at my Youtube Video of this Pink Box Review here:

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A big shout out and Thank You to Etude House for allowing me to share you’re lovely items with everyone!

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I hope you all enjoyed this Etude House Pink Box review. Let me know what you guys think about these products if you’ve tried them already and let me know if you’re interested in trying them or have tried something similar to them!

Yep! I had a lot of fun taking pictures!

Stay Beautiful & Stay Sweet! 

xoxo Iquo