
First Post

I don't think there is any right or wrong way to do this is there? I've been looking at people's blogs for the past two weeks trying to figure out "What have they done to make their blog/site so awesome?" The answer really wasn't that complicated. They're all just being themselves, not trying to be something that they're not. 

I plan on being myself on here. I won't be someone I'm not. I will be just as quirky, kind, heartfelt, silly, LOUD, sensitive, lovable and faithful on here just as I am everyday around my family and friends.  

I am really excited about this site. I finally bought a domain so my site has the exact name that I wanted. I love my layout. I love how I am going to add beautiful colors to this site with pictures, with my words and with my songs. 

I feel like God is showing me how to get my life together one step at a time and how to accomplish small term goals so that I can accomplish long term goals. I feel like each time I post a blog entry or record a cover song or write/produce/record and successfully complete an original song, I'll have accomplished a small term goal. In time those small term goals will push me towards accomplishing those long term goals. 

I'm so excited to be starting this journey & I hope you can join me and enjoy the ride :)

Until next time, 
